Fred Périé

After his scientific education, Fred Périé is involved in the mechanical behavior of materials and he is struck by the forms that emerge from instability phenomena. Yet it is with the question of the relationship with the other that he commits to a visual search with two mediums, interventions in the landscape and new multimedia installations, for which he writes the code himself .

Both of them invoke very often an ephemeral image that reflects the public, its body or its gaze. Then this process led Fred Périé to the cinema, the place where, while watching the film, emerges a silent link with the others. He also takes advantage of modern techniques, those that make us so much believe in our power over things, but when he uses interactivity, which is more or less some kind of mirror, it is to reveal what is really at stake, i.e. our ability to project ourselves into the situation.

His works have been shown in digital art centers in France, such as Le Cube in 2008 and [ars]numerica in 2007. Is this here? Has been exhibited at Bouillants Festival #3 in 2011 and nominated at the FILE Festival in Brazil in 2010. What if, there underneath..., was exhibited at the Computer Art Congress (CAC3) at le 104 in Paris in November 2012. In 2014, he created La Démesure du Possible, an interactive work for people in nursing homes. Between 2015 and 2018, he directed a documentary film which is also a digital installation for the movie theater: L'autre de l'autre. Since 2019, he works on Interface Malicieuse, a multimedia performance that deals with the question of devices. In 2022 the performance was show to the public  during Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne.

Exhibitions / Festivals
qui partent ? FLIGHT - Mostra internazionale del cinema di Genova (IT), award PREMIO EADWEARD MUYBRIDGE.
Organisation du Festival de performance /ps't te'da:/, Le City (Lorient, FR)

MURAYAMA::PERIE, sound image performance , Le City (Lorient, FR)

Biennale Art et Design Saint-Etienne (42), Explorations Arts/Sciences : des recherches en partage, Curators : Gwenaëlle Bertrand and Rodolphe Olcèse. Interface Malicieuse Performance with Seijiro Murayama
La Réalité du Temps, video performance with smartphones, Port-Louis (56)

Broadcasting Experiments For Smartphones. #CJC50 Jubilé Collectif Jeune Cinéma, La réalité du temps, performance live with Loren Martin, Théo De Lyanis, Jean-Michel Susini et Nathalie Sabah.
FLIGHT Mostra Internationale del cinema di Genova, selection of the short film Eternité.


Interface Malicieuse, performance live à l’atelier, IM#1 avec Seijiro Murayama et Kohzo Komori, IM#2 avec Nowcut

Alt-IHM'19, Experimental performance during 31st conf. on l'Interaction Homme-Machine (Grenoble)
L'art tout contre la machine, installation conference during symposium (Montpellier, Paris)
Festival Universitaire du Film Underground, selection of the short film Nous ne sommes pas des moutons (We are not sheep)


Relations asymétriques, 4 installations at Collège des Bernardins (Paris)
L'autre de l'autre, Public projection Evron's Movie theater(53), organized by Atmosphère 53 and Laval Virtual
Nuit de l’art digital 2, Art Lease, curated by Hugo Verlinde


Festival Côté Court, L'autre de l'autre, new media competition
écriture(s), exhibition organized by Seconde Nature in libraries (Bouches-du-Rhône)
Festival Traverse Vidéo, cinema ABC, curated by Simone Dompeyre


De Montmartre à Arcueil, short film commissioned by Arcueil city for 150th Erik Satie’s anniversary


La Démesure du Possible, video installation at Monaco’s hospital et Claude Pompidou institute in Nice
Festival Traverse Vidéo, École Supérieur d'Audiovisuel Toulouse, curator Simone Dompeyre


Est-ce ici? version cinéma Centre des Arts d'Enghien


CAC3, Computer Art Congress III, Le Cent Quatre, Paris, curated by CITU
Rencontre cinématographiques de Seine-Saint-Denis, organized by Cinémas 93
Extérieur/interieur, Usine Utopik
Multimediart, Bastille Design Center, Paris
Illuminations, Tauves (Auvergne), curated by Hugo Verlinde and Vincent Lévy
Land'Art à Riorges
Festival des bords de Vire, Usine Utopik, curated by Xavier Gonzalez


Machines et mots, Maison du Livre, de l’Image et du Son, Villeurbanne, organized by AADN
est-ce ici ?, exposition personnelle, Galerie Municipale Julio Gonzalez, Arcueil
Festival Ap'art, curator Leïla Voight
D’abord les forêts / opus 2 à la maison Laurentine, centre d’art discret, curator Pierre Bongiovanni
Festival Bouillants #3, Rennes/Vern-sur-Seiche/Saint-Brieuc, curated by Le Milieu


Salon MACParis, patronage ADAGP, Paris
FILE PRIX LUX, nominee , Brasil
Estivales, City of Fresnes, F
Illuminations, Galerie G, Paris and Bibliothèque Schoelcher, Fort-de-France, Martinique


Fêtes de la danse, Centre Balavoine, Arques, F
Couleur(s)3, works in the open, Château de Jehay, Province de Liège, Belgium
Traverse Vidéo, Centre de Bellegarde, Toulouse, F
Une autre Histoire, Centre d'art et de culture de Meudon, F


Experience II, Bastille Design Center, Paris
Cube Festival, Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux, F


All the stage variations, [ars]numerica, Montbéliard, F
Instants Video, La compagnie, Marseille, F
Présence Video, Galerie Julio Gonzalez, Arcueil, F


Territoires Occupés, compagnie Metalovoice, Corbigny, F

Software programming
Linux, C++, SDL, OpenCV, OpenGL, Blackmagic SDK, libfreenect, ffmpeg, libav

06/17 A bras le corps #5, art magazine, interview with Fred Périé
11/16 Blog A Bras le corps, L'autre de l'autre
Annual report 2014 - European Hospital and Healthcare Federation
Le Parisien, dated August 19, 2010, Une centaine d’arbres en peinture
Le Soir (Belgium) dated July 8 2009, p. 32, Éclosion de « Couleur(s) » à la croisée des chemins
Beau-Arts Magazine, n° 288, June 2008, p. 96, Arts Numériques le Cube festival
Blog Hyperfiction by J-P Balpe, 25 Juin 2008, Jean-Luc PARANT, Fred PÉRIÉ by Evelyne Benatti, Janvier 2008, Fred Périé S-ICI?

2022 Workshop at University of Saint-Étienne, supported by DRAC Rhône-Alpes.
         Résidency L'Ephémère, Port-Louis (56)
2019 Résidency ESTIA Recherche, Bidart(64)
Bourse du CNC/Dicréam/Aide au développement Projet Interface malicieuse
2018 Résidency Anis Gras, Arcueil (94)
2017 Résidency Instants Chavirés, Montreuil (93)
2016 Residency Salle L'Artimon à Locmiquelic (56), L'autre de l'autre
2014 Residency Monaco’s hospital, Centre de gériatrie, La Démesure du Possible project
2014 Résidency Day care center France Alzheimer, Nice
2013 k parmi n Workshop Ecole Média Art/fructidor, Chalon-sur-Saône
2012 CNC Dicréam/Aide au développement La Chaise Libre project
2009 Château de Jehay, Liège (Belgique)
2007 [ars]numerica/ Montbéliard
2006 Metalovoice / Corbigny

Other works/Publications
2021 Asymétries relationnelles, in L'art tout contre la machine, Hermann
2019 Interface malicieuse, 31st conference francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (Grenoble)
2016 Une experience cognitivo-artistique: la démesure du possible. Congrès national 2016 des Unités de soin d’évaluation et de prise en charge Alzheimer
2013 Recueil de textes et photographies in Revue Chimères n°78 "Soigne qui peut"
2009 Assistant of Rome painter, mural rue Brancion, commissioned by the city of Paris
2007 Large-Eddy Simulation for Acoustics, Cambridge University Press 2007
88-2004 Program developpement for numerical simulation of mechanical instability problems
1997 Ingénieur du siècle, contribution to the catalogue and to the "computation" section of the exhibition. Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.